14 July 2006

How to Disable Win Xp Highlighting newly installed Application

Win XP has a concept of highlighting all new applications that you installed In the programs menu sound practical in the beginning, but it does not make sense when you realize that you remember the latest applications you have installed and don't need to be reminded, Here is a simple way to disable it :

* Right click on "start" and select " properties"
* On the start menu tab click on Customize
* Select Advanced tab
* Uncheck the box labeled Highlight Newly Installed Porgrams
* Click on OK

Good Luck

09 July 2006

Mp3 Player for your studies

Ever wonder that you can use your mp3 player to studies instead of just listening to songs.

Why use Mp3 player for your studies, because its simply easier for anyone to listen then read.

There are a few ways to utilise your Mp3 player for studies.

Some Mp3 player has a record function which you can use it to record lectures, it will directly encode the file to Mp3 format for playback later. Some study material now comes with Mp3 files or you can use software to convert your text into Mp3 files.

The software I am talking about is ' Speaking Notepad ' and best of all it's FREE, download it from . It will convert whatever text you want into speech and save it as Mp3 or Wav format file. You have 6 male and 6 female voices to choose from. So you can easily copy and paste chapters or paragraph and just type it into the speaking notepad and will do the work for you. Pause whenever you want and it can convert from TXT, HTML,DOC and RTF Documents, Readme's, notes and e-mail.